CFP: FLDH 2023 Webinar Series: Latin America & Caribbean Edition

The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) would like to invite you to submit a proposal for its FLDH 2023 Webinar Series: Latin America & Caribbean Edition.

We seek proposals for webinars on any topic related to Digital Humanities focusing on Latin America and Caribbean Studies. We welcome proposals not only from those in higher education, including students, faculty and staff, but also from cultural institutions and other organizations doing work in the digital humanities. 

Proposals of no more than 250 words may be submitted in English, Spanish, or French by June 1, 2023, with rolling acceptances. We encourage people to submit proposals for projects at any stage of completion. You can submit your proposal using our submission form.

While we are unable to compensate you for the webinar, we offer to record it and make it available on the FLDH Website and our FLDH YouTube page. 

We will be in touch afterwards to schedule your webinar. For any questions, please e-mail Hélène Huet, hhuet at ufl dot edu.  

We look forward to your submissions. 

The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium 

2023 Latin American & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium

The University of Florida and the University of North Florida will host their first Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium at the George A. Smathers Libraries in Gainesville FL on Friday, March 3, 2023. 

We seek proposals for papers, posters, and lightning rounds, on any topic related to Digital Humanities focusing on Latin America and Caribbean Studies. We welcome proposals not only from those in higher education, including students, faculty and staff, but also from cultural institutions and other organizations doing work in the digital humanities. 

Proposals of no more than 250 words may be submitted in English, Spanish, or French by February 5, 2023. We encourage people to submit proposals for projects at any stage of completion. You can submit your proposal using our submission form

This is an in-person event. For anyone interested in participating remotely, please consider submitting a proposal for possible inclusion in the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) Webinar Series (information to come soon).